Friday, January 12, 2007


I recently brought my CD player/radio from work back home, since I never listen to it while at the office, and would rather use it in my kitchen. We've been enjoying it at mealtimes.

So, you're looking for the hippest in kiddo tunes? Look no further.

Jackson gives a thumbs-up to:
  • Fisher Price Little People Favorite Animal Songs - it's our "On the Road selection. He demands "my music" once we enter the car. Favorite song: "5 Little Monkeys". It should be noted that this is the only kiddie music he likes.
  • Celia Cruz, Mi Vida es Cantar - he picked this one over Toddler Hitz yesterday. Something about keyboards, horns and that salsa beat gets the kiddo going. I had not listened to this CD in a couple of years, and now I am hooked on it again!
  • The Beatles 1 - And this will make his Granna PROUD. I am hoping he will start singing along because that will absolutely thrill her.
  • Cars Soundtrack - OK, so we don't really own the CD. We downloaded some of the songs on our mp3 for driving but that's about it. You see, Jackson has watched the movie so much that he sings along with the songs, particularly Sheryl Crow's "Real Gone", James Taylors' "Our Town", and Brad Paisley's (say it ain't so) "Find Yourself". As far as soundtracks go - and I'm not a big fan of soundtracks - this one is better than most.

Jackson's Thumbs Down:

  • Toddler Hitz - I cannot find this one online to link it, but after testing this out the other day, he has requested "not the yellow CD" over the past few days every time I open the case. HATES it. We bought it as Best Buy a couple of years ago, and he wasn't thrilled with it then either. And it is bad. The worst it gets in kiddie-music bad.
  • Veggie Tales: On the Road with Bob and Larry - Jackson went through a brief phrase - about two months - of liking the Veggie Tales. They were kinda cute, and had morals (unlike Tom & Jerry which he had been hooked on before), and kinda always included an adult component too (for example, one story was based on Don Quixote, and the "Gated Community" song in the Sheerluck Holmes). During that phase Jackson racked up books and DVDs from excited grandparents (and us). Then he dropped it like a bad habit, and we learned not to go all-out on anything but cars. 'Cuz the child will always love cars.

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Blogger texasinafrica said...

Well, I guess if you have to listen to kiddie music, at least you have a child who has standards! :)

1/12/2007 11:18 PM  

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